API Reference
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API Reference
  • 200 : The API request was successful and you can find the API response in the body.

  • 201 : The API request successfully created a resource on our server. You will see this response when you create a new signup or a new payment request.

  • 301 : The API responded with a redirect request. You are most likely missing a trailing slash at the end of your request URL.

  • 400 : The API request you sent failed the validation requirements. You should look into the response body for more details about the error(s).

  • 401 : The API request you are sending does not have authentication headers or has incorrect authentication header names or the authentication token is expired or invalid. Also if you are using https://test.instamojo.com as your base URL, ensure that you are using the authentication credentials from https://test.instamojo.com/integrations. Similarly, if you are using https://www.instamojo.com as your base URL, use the authentication credentials from https://www.instamojo.com/integrations

  • 403 : You are using incorrect tokens or your token does not have the necessary permissions for performing the action. Check if you are using a User Based Authentication on an API that requires you to use an Application Based Authentication

  • 404 : The request URL is incorrect or does not exist.

  • 500 : There was an error on one of our servers with your request. Please reach out to us via support@instamojo.com

  • 502 : There was an error on one of our servers with your request. Please reach out to us via support@instamojo.com

  • 504 : There was an error on one of our servers with your request. Please reach out to us via support@instamojo.com

You can also find a more comprehensive list of HTTP response codes here: http://httpstatuses.com/