API Reference
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API Reference
  1. Import the Postman collection using the URL that is shared.

  2. Click on the title (Instamojo v2 Payments APIs/ Instamojo v2 Payments Test APIs) of the Imported postman collection (ref:)

  1. On the page that appears (inside postman), scroll down, and add the Client ID and Client secret from your Instamojo account.

  1. Choose the environment in which you want to run the API endpoints, from Production.


Production API endpoints require Client ID and Client secret from your account on www.instamojo.com .

The Environment can be selected by clicking on the 'Environment' tab in the top right corner of Postman.

  1. Click on 'Get New Access Token', wait for Postman's response, and click on 'Use Token'

  1. The Access token required to run all the API endpoints in the collection has been created and now you can select the individual API endpoint that you want to run, add the details/params in the 'Body' section, if applicable, click on 'Send'.